SWLG response to Nathro Hill wind farm proposal

August 2012

The Scottish Wild Land Group wishes to submit an objection to the Nathro Hill Wind Farm Development proposed by Eurowind.

The proposal is that 17 wind turbines be strung along one of the most remarkable horizons in Scotland, running parallel to the A90 from Dundee to Aberdeen. Hill of Garbet, Laidwinley, Putney Maol, Old Man - names largely unknown to those who travel along this road but which are some of the features of this remarkable and in many respects unique landscape which can make such a lasting impression on these travellers. Furthermore this is the southern edge of a singularly important area of hill country the value of which will be significantly diminished if not destroyed by these gigantic industrial structures which will overwhelm the hills on which the developers wish to locate them. This destructive relationship between the relative sizes of the proposed turbines and these iconic hills cannot be overemphasised.

SWLG suggests that the following photograph and statistics alone make rejection of the development the obviously appropriate outcome to the application.

Each of the 17 turbines would be

  • a total height of up to 135 metres
  • with a rotor size of 107 metres
  • and an individual blade length of 52 metres.

In support of our objection we quote from the "Angus Windfarms Landscape Capacity and Cumulative Impacts Study" 2008. This development is entirely the wrong development in entirely the wrong place.


Finalised Angus Local Plan Review Policies as Modified

Policy ER5 : Conservation of Landscape Character

Development proposals should take account of the guidance provided by the Tayside Landscape Character Assessment and where appropriate will be considered against the following criteria:

1. (a) sites selected should be capable of absorbing the proposed development to ensure that it fits into the landscape;

Policy ER33 : Renewable Energy Developments

Proposals for all forms of renewable energy developments will be supported in principle and will be assessed against the following criteria:

1. (b) there will be no unacceptable adverse landscape and visual impacts having regard to landscape character, setting within the immediate and wider landscape, and sensitive viewpoints;

While there is obviously a wide variety of opinion held on commercial wind farming few, if any, would dispute the fact that many of our landscapes are of inestimable value, this particular landscape being an outstanding example. The Scottish Wild Land Group has therefore no reservations in asking that the Eurowind application be rejected in its entirety, the proposed development failing totally to fit into the landscape with the consequence that the adverse landscape and visual impacts are unacceptable.